Thursday 12 January 2012

My Journal : Togetherness

Today my school has a Christmas celebration. Err, actually im a bit bored because of my class schedule, so boring. And guess what, even though this class is making me feel bore, i feel the togetherness they have. This class sometimes dont have any togetherness feeling, even it just a bit.

Togetherness is the key to feel the friendship that i have already explained last night. And hey, i almost never feel togetherness inside friendships. Like their 'friendships' are just only a status, not in the truly mean.

I hope people today feel the togetherness with the people around them.

My Journal : Friendship

Okay-okay. The title seemed a bit.... awful.

Do you know AVATAR? Avatar, the one who controlled the four element. Air, water, earth, fire. As a teen, i love that cartoon so damn much. I love Aang, Katara, Saka, Zuko and others. I'm a teen who still really love to watch cartoon.

Hey, do you want to know something?

I want to tell you about, umm... that i can speak Bahasa Indonesia. I will show it.

Yeah, gue adalah remaja nggak jelas yang hidup di Indonesia, lahir dan dibesarkan dengan sehat sentosa disertai penyakit-penyakit ringan. Gue ini remaja, inget, REMAJA, bukan ABEGE. Remaja yang masih sangat labil. Labil sekali sampai-sampai tiada seorangpun didunia yang merasakan apa yang gue rasakan. Kegalauan cinta, perselisihan persahabatan, perselisihan keluarga, keberatan pelajaran, kekeringan kantong.

Im the one that got away, okay wrong. The one who just love to smile, to laugh, to write and have as much as many friends. But sometimes people just dont like when i have many friends on my side.

Not all people like me, as you know, im just an ordinary people. I have so many mistakes, faults, and as what old man says, "Nobody's Perfect." Yeah, i'm not perfect too. Perfection is only God's.

Sometimes i feel like my best friend isnt like me at all. As i said above, not all of my friends like me.

Buddies, when you read this, remember one thing. Your best friends always love you, eventhough sometimes they're bothering you, or they're bothering you. They're always beside you, when you're sad, happy, glad, cheer, so-so, heart broken, fail, success, crushing and many else. They're always with you to share something.

If you have someone that always give you solution, hear your story patiently, smile and cheer you up when you're down, always beside you whatever your condition, please, it's your true friends.

Finding true friends just like searching for someone hiding behind the mask.

And never too late to build a friendship with someone.

Tuesday 29 November 2011


I dont wanna talk about my real mom here. Do you know who is The Mother Monster? Lady Gaga.

She was born in March, 28th 1986 with her real name, Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She is an universal singer from United States.

I love her because of her style of fashion and her confidence. She isnt embarrassed when she wear something really 'wow' and different from the others. Many people just only can staring at her when she wear her 'wow' costume.

Why she called Mother Monster?

Because of her Born This Way video clip. People said that Gaga shown that she's an illuminati. The first i saw that vc, i feel a bit scared until i realized what did she said in the opening of the vc. Im not afraid of that video clip because i like it. Im not an illuminati or something else like that. I just like the concept of the vc. And especially the song, the lyrics and the singer, Mother Monster! :o

Born This Way VC used reborn concept. I really amazed when i saw that for my second time. I felt scared and a bit confused about it. In the opening scene, Gaga looked like a butterfly with back-front eyes and one additional eye at her chin. After that, the screen become black and later a zodiac sign will appear. If i arent wrong, that's Aries sign. So, Gaga appear with something that hold her body, and many 'things' circling her. 'Something' that hold Gaga's body is on the top of the earth. Background: black.

I cant describe more after that. Because i get a bit confused. Oh okay, there's a scene that show a display window with MANY imperfect heads. Only one head seemed perfect. Gaga's head.

If i didnt wrong *again* i heard a sentence. 'The Birth Of Evil' and 'But she wondered, how can i protect something so perfect without evil'

I wonder what costume that you will wear when you make a concert in Indonesia. But I bet i will not come at that concert.

Beside Born This Way, i love You and I too. #nowplaying Mother Monster - You And I. Once again, i love the concept of the vc. Others song i like, Just Dance, The Edge of Glory and Paparazzi.


Wednesday 26 October 2011

This is Me, Again!

It's me again.

Dari blog lama gue ( gue pindah ke sini. Tujuannya apa? Memperbaiki hidup, menata ulang hidup gue yang emang agak-agak awut-awutan gajelas ini. Di blog ini, gue nggak akan nulis yang aneh-aneh. Cuma yang menurut gue 'patut' dan 'layak' untuk dibagikan. Misalnya: cita-cita gue, atau sebagian kisah cinta menyedihkan gue. Siap-siap aja, ini dunia remaja gue. Dunia gue sendiri. Jangan seenaknya 'ngecap' gue dari tulisan-tulisan gue disini. Karena gue nggak sepenuhnya begitu. Kalo nggak kenal gue, lo nggak bakalan ngerti gue.

Selamat datang di dunia saya :D

Follow @TheLostShasha. Official twitter. *Serasa artis, serasa penting. Hoekss*

New Blog, New Life

Okay, here it is my new blog :D

So excited with my new blog. Okay, this blog is really formal. I havent give it a 'touch'. This blog is still pure. Gotta start blogging with 2 languages, Bahasa Indonesia and English, of course. For the main starter, i will start with English. Dont judge me and think that im arrogant or something else like that. You will know me when you know me closer.

I know my grammar is not good enough. But if we try, i think it isnt wrong at all, right?

I made this new blog because i want to re-arrange my life and change into 'New Me'.

Welcome to my new wonderful teen life!

Leave your comment, dont forget. Enjoy my life :D

*dont judge me, remember!*

Visit, take a look, comment on my last blog